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Telephony DSP Software

These functions relate to the standard telephone network. Click on "asm code"# or "C code" of the desired function to view a data sheet (# shorthand for TMS320C5000 DSP assembler code).

Function Code type (click for data sheet) Processor MIPS1 Processor Data Mem (words)2 Processor Prog Mem1 Features Sample rate (kHz)
Caller ID Generator - standard locales asm code 0.40 4 + (5 + M)xN 0.13kwords eg ETSI, UK, US Bellcore, Bell Canada locales 8.0/9.6
C code 0.9 4 + (5 + M)xN 0.4kbytes
Caller ID Detector - standard locales asm code 1.26 (26 + M)xN 0.28kwords As above, also 12dB SNR for 10-6 Error Rate
C code 2.9 (26 + M)xN 1.1kbytes
Caller ID Generator - Japan locale asm code 0.40 4 + (6 + M)xN 0.22kwords Japan locale only 8.0/9.6
C code 0.9 4 + (6 + M)xN 0.6kbytes
Caller ID Detector - Japan locale asm code 1.26 (26 + M)xN 0.36kwords As above, also 12dB SNR for 10-6 Error Rate
C code 2.9 (26 + M)xN 1.2kbytes
Call Waiting Caller ID Generator asm code 0.54 5 + (9 + M)xN 0.35kwords Standard locales only eg ETSI, UK, US Bellcore, Bell Canada 8.0/9.6
C code 1.3 5 + (9 + M)xN 1.3kbytes
Call Waiting Caller ID Detector asm code 1.44 (28 + M)xN 0.55kwords As above, also robust CAS detection & 12dB SNR for 10-6 Error Rate
C code 3.5 (28 + M)xN 2.3kbytes
DTMF Transmitter asm code 0.23 4 + 123xN 0.15kwords -
C code 0.6 4 + 123xN 0.5kbytes
DTMF Receiver asm code 0.61 20 + 27xN 0.5kwords ITU/Mitel tests passed 8.0/9.6
C code 1.3 4 + 27xN 1.4kbytes
Exchange tone detector asm code 0.66 23xN 0.15kwords Programmable filter
C code 1.1 23xN 0.51kbytes
R2 Transmitter asm code 0.19 1 + 7xN 0.11kwords - 8.0/9.6
C code 0.81 1 + 7xN 0.24kbytes
R2 Receiver asm code 0.40 20 + 20xN 0.30kwords - 8.0/9.6
C code 0.93 2 + 20xN


1 with asm code, MIPS and ProgMem (in 16-bit words) values are from TMS320C54x DSP assembling
1 with C code, MIPS and ProgMem (in 8-bit bytes) values are from TMS320C55x DSP compiling

MIPS at 8.0kHz sample rate
2 M for Caller ID refers to user-set data buffer size at 2 bytes per word
2 X + YxN means X words plus Y words for each of N channels
3 for 16-digit queue

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