AlgoTron DSP Software for Telecoms & Audio
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R2 MF Transmitter DSP C Code

Description: generates dual-tone signals to ITU Q.441 R2 signalling format. R2 transmission is done by choosing tone-pair combinations from the following two 6-tone groups:

Forward direction Backward direction
1380/1500/1620/1740/1860/1980Hz 1140/1020/ 900/ 780/ 660/ 540Hz

The composite tone signal can send one of 15 digits (6C2 = 15) in each direction according to the digit code set.
         The C code is suitable for any processor with an ANSI-compliant C compiler. It is designed especially for efficient operation on low-cost fixed-point DSP- and general-purpose micro-processors. All data memory is specified as 16-bit integer words. Multiplies are integer 16x16-bit with 32-bit products.
         The software is in the form of three callable subroutines: one sets common-channel default parameters, one initialises per-channel memory, and one is for per-sample tone-pair generation from the digit supplied at routine entry. The transmit power is made user-programmable.
         The software can be operated in a multi-channel mode: a pointer is set to each per-channel block of memory at each sub-routine call. By making multiple sub-routine calls, the code can also generate blocks of samples.
Sample rates of 8.0kHz or 9.6kHz can be operated. A user's guide is supplied.


Transmit power: TP where TP <= 0dBm (+6dBm is total peak power)
Tone accuracy: 0.06Hz error

The value PT is user-programmable.

Processor Load:

MIPS# Data memory (words) Prog memory (bytes)#
0.81 1(common)+7(/channel) 0.24k

- #example figures from compiling for the TI TMS320C5000(C55x) DSP processor at 8.0kHz sampling

Availability: NOW - sale is under licence - integration support offered

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