AlgoTron DSP Software for Telecoms & Audio
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Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

Term Context Explanation
2 wire telephone line, modems normal physical connection so both transmission directions co-exist in full-duplex
4 wire telephone line, modems physically separate 2-wire lines for each modem transmission direction in full-duplex
<= - less than or equal to
ANSI standards American National Standards Institute
asm software assembler (machine language)
b/s units bits per second (so kb/s is kilo-bits/sec)
Bell standards interoperability standards for modems prevalent in the USA - eg Bell 202
BER modem data transmission Bit Error Rate (or error rate)
BW signals bandwidth
byte memory 8-bit element
Caller ID telephone dialling Caller IDentification
CRC data error detection Cyclic Redundancy Check (added to data stream)
Error Rate modem data transmission for example "10-6 error rate" means 1 data bit in every 1000000 data bits in error on average
Term Context Explanation
FFT signals Fast Fourier Transform
fixed-point DSP-/micro-processor arithmetic and program/data storage integer number expression: an example is signed 16 bits where the numerical range is +32767 to -32768
full-duplex modem data transmission transmission and reception in both directions simultaneously
half-duplex modem data transmission transmission or reception in one direction only at a time but capability of either
ITU standards International Telegraph Union: body which sets world-wide interoperability standards for eg telephone modems - V.xx designations - and speech/audio coders - standards
k units kilo
lsb DSP-/micro-processor arithmetic least significant bit
MIPS DSP-/micro-processor processing power unit Millions-of-Instructions-per-Second
re-entrant software the same routine call can be used to process multiple instances of a function
SNR signals property, often in data transmssion Signal-to-Noise Ratio
word DSP-/micro-processor program/data storage a 16-bit integer value or "short int" in C vernacular

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