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V.26bis Modem DSP C Code

Description: implements the ITU Data Modem functions V.26bis & V.26, which provide data transmission at rates of 2.4 & 1.2kb/s in half-duplex over the telephone network and full-duplex for 4-wire leased line operation. In both cases, an optional independently-controlled backward channel can be incorporated for rates of up to 75b/s.
         The C code is suitable for any processor with an ANSI-compliant C compiler. It is designed especially for efficient operation on low-cost fixed-point DSP- and general-purpose micro-processors. All data memory is specified as 16-bit integer words. Multiplies are integer 16x16-bit with 32-bit products.
         The code is operated by one callable subroutine for initialisation and one for main-routine processing of input/output sample blocks and data. The user is responsible for interfacing samples and data to hardware. The code is re-entrant to facilitate multi-channel operation. A comprehensive user's guide is provided with the code, together with example application files. Test results are available.

Interfaces: at the sample interface, the code can operate at 8.0kHz and 9.6kHz sample rates. Transmit and receive samples are transferred on a common clock, to which the transmit clock is synchronised. The receive clock is interpolated in the code for synchronisation to the far-end modem. At the data interface, data is transferred in buffers under pointer control via subroutine calls.
         At the control interface, the code has one 16-bit control word to sequence operation and to set operating parameters, and two diagnostic words to convey data transfer status and signal quality.

Performance: over flat channels, near matched-filter performance is obtained. SNR for 10-6 Error Rate (4kHz BW noise):

  • 2.4kb/s: 8.5dB Flat Channel; 11.5dB Bell 3002 Channel
  • 1.2kb/s: 5.5dB Flat Channel; 8dB Bell 3002 Channel

Processor Load:

Sample rate MIPS# Data memory (words) Prog memory (bytes)#
8.0kHz 4.0(7.2) 149(189) 5.3k(6.5k)
9.6kHz 2.7(6.6) 130(170) 4.2k(5.4k)

- #example figures from compiling for the TI TMS320C5000(C55x) DSP processor
- figures in ( ) are with the backwards channel

Availability: NOW - sale is under licence - integration support offered

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