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Bell 103 Modem TMS320C5000 DSP Code

Description: implements the data pump function of the modem Bell 103. This provides full-duplex data transmission at 300b/s over the telephone network. Duplex channel separation is achieved by band splitting. The assembler software is operated by callable subroutines, eg for initialisation and for per-sample processing of input/output samples and data. The user is responsible for interfacing samples and data to hardware.
         In the assembler interface, the code is re-entrant to facilitate multi-channel operation. A C-callable wrapper can also be provided, allowing individual channels to be called from C to process multiple sample blocks. A comprehensive user's guide together with example application files are provided with the code. Test results are available.

Interfaces: at the sample interface, the code can operate at 8.0kHz and 9.6kHz sample rates. At the data interface, operation can be in either Asynchronous or Synchronous mode. In Asynchronous mode, data is transferred with start & stop bits auto-inserted/-deleted. In Synchronous mode, data is transferred transparently, with the receiver performing clock recovery on bit transitions. In both cases, the data can be passed in multiple-bit blocks, and the nominal clock used is 300Hz.
         At the control interface, the assembler code has one 16-bit control word to sequence operation and to set operating parameters such as data size, and one diagnostic word to convey data transfer status such as ready-to-send and line-signal-detected. With the C wrapper, control and diagnostics are provided by routine call arguments and returned values.


  • SNR for 10-6 error rate at 300b/s (4kHz BW noise): 5.0dB - Flat Channel

Processor Load:

Sample rate MIPS# Data memory (words) Prog memory (words)#
8.0kHz 3.1 57 0.6k
9.6kHz 3.8

- #figures are for TMS320C54x operation with the assembler interface

Availability: NOW - sale is under licence - integration support offered

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