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G.729A(B) Speech Coder TMS320C5000 DSP Code

Description: this is an implementation of the ITU G.729A(B) voice compression algorithm. Using the Conjugate Structure Algebraic Codebook Linear Prediction Coding algorithm, 16-bit samples of speech made at 8kHz are compressed into an 8kb/s stream. Data is communicated in frame sizes of 10ms. The overall delay of the algorithm is 15ms.
         G.729A is a reduced-complexity version of G.729. In terms of voice quality, it achieves an MOS figure of 3.9, assuming clean input speech. This is slightly better than G.726 ADPCM coding at 32kb/s. In background noise, G.729 has a slightly lower performance than G.726. In G.729AB, the "B" variant involves a voice activity detection function with comfort noise generation to reduce the average bit rate during silence periods. This is especially useful in packet-based systems such as voice over IP.
         The Algotron implementation is available as both G.729A and G.729AB, with encoder and decoder as separate items. It is operated with one routine for initialisation and one main routine for each frame, with separate calls for encoder and decoder. The code has been written to allow multi-channel operation by being fully re-entrant, and is also C-callable.
         Note: the code is for the TMS320C54x only.

Processor Load:

Mode MIPS# Data memory (words) Prog memory (kwords)#
G.729AB Encoder 11.5 5k + 806/channel 14.5
G.729AB Decoder 2.7 5k + 752/channel 9.5
G.729AB Encoder + Decoder 14.2 7k + 1558/channel 17
G.729A Encoder 11.5 5k + 806/channel 9.5
G.729A Decoder 2.7 4.5k + 752/channel 7
G.729A Encoder + Decoder 14.2 7k + 1558/channel 12

- #figures for assembler interfaces with TMS320C54x operation

Availability: NOW - sale is under licence - integration support offered

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